The staff, students and volunteers at Cannington Walled Gardens were recognised for their hard-work, after receiving Gold prize at the South West in Bloom competition for the second year running.

Gardens and parks involved in the nationwide competition are judged on multiple criteria, including community involvement, sustainability and the beauty and excellence of horticultural displays.

The South West in Bloom judges visited the gardens last summer and awarded Cannington five stars in the Best Park 2016 category. The presentation was held in Torquay as part of the Pride in Parks awards ceremony.  

Ray Wardhaugh, Chairman of Cannington-in-Bloom said,

“The village of Cannington has been invited to take part in the National Britain in Bloom competition this year and this award bodes well. This is a great start to the gardening season, giving everyone a big confidence boost as the hard work begins!”

Jayne Alock, Grounds and Gardens Supervisor at The Walled Gardens of Cannington said, 

“We are pleased to support and add to the tremendous hard work and efforts of the volunteers at Cannington in Bloom.  We are always delighted to show the judges around the garden, plant up containers around the village, donate plants and organise free training for people. We will be pulling out all the stops this year. I am very excited about the border that the walled garden volunteers have designed, I can’t reveal what it is yet, but we are hoping for that wow factor!”

If you would like more information about The Walled Gardens of Cannington, please phone 01278 655042 or visit

South West in Bloom is one of eighteen regional/national competitions that make up Britain in Bloom, the biggest horticultural campaign in Europe. The aim of the communities that take part each year is to improve and regenerate our local environments, through the imaginative planting of trees, shrubs, flowers and landscaping, conservation and recycling projects, and to sweep away the eyesores that blight our streets, such as litter, graffiti and vandalism.

Photo of: Ray Wardhaugh (Chairman of Cannington in Bloom) celebrating with the gardeners at the Walled Gardens of Cannington (R to L) Claire Prangley, Matt Emerson, Aymeric Huguerre (Senior Gardener) and Fionnuala McDermott.

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