Bridgwater & Taunton College's Erasmus+ Programme has strong links with an extensive list of educational institutions across Europe and has successfully secured funding to enable students and staff to work, train and study abroad.
Erasmus+ is an amazing opportunity to travel, learn and develop new skills abroad. The Erasmus+ Programme is an invaluable experience that students and staff alike can benefit from.
Erasmus+ is an exciting and unique experience at BTC, available to Students and Staff alike! If you would like any more information surrounding Erasmus+, and you don't know who to contact for advice, click here!
We are involved in several European projects that cover a variety of topics. Find out more.
Learn moreAre you a student interested in The Erasmus+ Programme? As a student at Bridgwater & Taunton College, you can apply for funding to do work experience with one of our partners abroad. Find out more.
Learn moreAs a staff member at Bridgwater & Taunton College, you can apply for funding to take part in several exciting projects abroad to further your professional development.
Learn moreThanks to the many projects Bridgwater & Taunton College is currently involved in, we are building a growing network of partner schools, colleges and businesses across Europe.
Learn moreThanks to the many projects Bridgwater and Taunton College are currently involved in, we are building a growing network of partner schools, colleges and businesses across Europe.
The college seeks to work collaboratively with this network of establishments to improve our students' experience, to further our staff development, and place ourselves firmly at the forefront of innovation in vocational education.
Click on the buttons below to learn more about our projects:
EMEU4ALL aims to create mobility opportunities for students in VET education.
Following the establishment of a network of institutions across Europe that were all keen to increase mobility opportunities for their students, work began on creating opportunities for training and work placements abroad. Since then, partners involved with the project have been developing relevant learning materials specifically designed for students who are on mobility that will help them to improve their skills and employability
Project website:
Duration of project: The funded part of this project has now finished, however, we have kept the partnership going to allow the colleges to use KA1 mobility funding to continue sending students on work placements abroad.
List of partners: Bridgwater & Taunton College (UK), ROC Horizon college (Netherlands), ID College (Netherlands), Bath College (UK), BBS Wirtschaft (Germany), Berufsschule fur Fertigungstechnik Munchen (Germany), Sophie-Scholl-BK (Germany), Aarhus Tech (Denmark), SDE College (Denmark), IES Construcción (Spain), IES Xabier Zubiri (Spain), Xabec Vocational Training Centre (Spain), Hyria Education (Finland), Jyvaskyla College (Finland) and Savo Vocational College (Finland)
SUSCOP aims to raise awareness of sustainable food production and creates training materials for culinary teachers to use with their students. In particular, this promotes the use of alternative proteins when cooking and therefore contributes to the pro-environmental cause
The outcome of the project will be a comprehensive recipe book which is available online as a free resource. We are working with partners from Finland, The Netherlands and Spain to produce a varied recipe book which will also include the basics of how to use and source alternative proteins.
Project website:
Duration of the project: October 2018- December 2021
List of partners: Bridgwater & Taunton College (UK), Da Vinci College (Netherlands), Haaga Helia (Finland), Entocube (Finland), Perho Culinary College (Finland), Landstede (Netherlands) and IKASLAN (Spain).
The purpose of this project is to empower students to embrace present and future opportunities, both in their personal and prospective working lives. It also aims to improve the quality of their education, enhance creativity and entrepreneurship, and promote social integration, as students are able to meet peers in other countries.
Students will achieve this by taking part in project-based learning weeks in each partner country.
Project website:
Duration of the project: October 2018- March 2021
List of partners: Bridgwater & Taunton College (UK), Business Academy Donaustadt (Austria), Helsinki Business College (Helsinki), LGT Pablo Picasso (France) and Giovanni Curmi Higher Secondary School (Malta).
AIDA is an Erasmus+ (KA2) project, targeting elderly people with intellectual disabilities. People from this group often lack the same quality of life as other people of the same age. The main focus of the project is to improve the quality of VET courses for teaching staff and field professionals, giving them the opportunity to be trained in the framework of care for elderly people with intellectual disabilities, so that the knowledge they acquire can then be transferred to their student
List of partners: Bridgwater and Taunton College (UK), Centro San Viator (Spain), Sosu Ostyjlland (Denmark), p-consulting (Greece), and Errotu Taldea (Spain).
Project website:
Duration of project: October 2020-November 2022
Dropping the Baggage is a project that is focused on developing tools that will help teachers encourage students to drop their negative baggage, take ownership of their learning, and develop hidden strengths that will help them to succeed in both working life and in life in general. The project aims to change existing mindsets, innovate ways of educating and teaching, and make teachers facilitators of learning in a way that encourages students to open their minds to the way they look at their own role in the learning process.
List of partners: Bridgwater and Taunton College (UK), Het Idee (Netherlands), Axxell (Finland), Broadshoulders Ltd (UK), Stiker Global Services (Spain), Dialogue Diversity (Portugal), Landstede (Netherlands), and p-consulting (Greece)
Project website:
Duration of project: September 2020-August 2023
This project is led by Bridgwater and Taunton College.
Life Online aims to address youth unemployment and skills gaps through the creation of an online e-learning platform aimed at developing a wide range of soft skills such as creative thinking, intercultural understanding, communication and resilience.
Our goal is that students who complete this material will be better prepared for the workplace and more likely to consider a broader range of career options, both at home and abroad.
Project website:
Duration of project: September 2015 – September 2018
List of partners: Bridgwater and Taunton College (UK), Politeknika Ikastegia (Spain), Cebanc (Spain), Haaga Helia (Finland), SSGT MB (Slovenia), Zavod za turizem (Slovenia) and EfVET (Brussels).
The aim of this project is to address the growing need for higher quality skills to be taught in the subject of E-commerce.
E-commerce is developing fast and colleges need remain up to date with the latest information at all times. Students require an education that is more specifically tailored to the needs of the industry and also need to be taught that it is essential to keep up with new developments. The project aims to emphasize the necessity of lifelong learning, especially within this field due to its rapid technological developments.
Through information sharing, it is hoped that teachers and E-commerce companies involved with this project will always be ahead of the curve in terms of the latest developments. The project provides a brilliant opportunity for teachers to work more closely together, and after the exchanges have taken place we expect teachers to keep in contact with each other in order to maintain their common competencies.
Duration of the project: November 2011- October 2019
List of partners: Tradium (Denmark), Da Vinci College (Netherlands), Šiaulių Profesinio Rengimo Centras (Lithuania), Noorderpoort (Netherlands), STUCOM (Spain) and Bridgwater & Taunton College (UK).
This project has involved a variety of educational institutions and businesses. The project aims to create training materials for new Trainer Assessors within the IT sector. Online training resources are being completed and will be piloted with in-company mentors. This will then be made available online as a free resource for companies to use.
The VETIT project brings together local authorities, VET providers, and IT SMEs from Denmark, the UK and Greece, as well as sectoral/professional organizations who work as associated partners. It exists in order to develop new, sustainable cooperation structures on WBL and apprenticeships. This is achieved through capacity building, the transfer of knowledge and the exchange of practices and experiences.
Project website:
Duration of the project: 2017 – 2019
Growmat aims to improve and promote accessible tourism for the elderly whilst simultaneously creating opportunities for entrepreneurs and existing businesses. It also helps to create jobs for young people.
Partners are developing training courses to be used by educational institutions, training providers, businesses and anyone else involved in the hospitality and tourism sector to better meet the needs of the elderly and so improve accessibility.
Project website:
Duration of project: December 2016 – March 2019
List of partners: Cebanc (Spain), Bridgwater and Taunton College (UK), Errotu (Spain), Haaga-Helia (Finland), C.M.Skoulidi & SIA E.E. (Greece), Learning South West (UK), AgeUK BANES (UK), SSGT MB (Slovenia), T2 Consulting (UK), EfVET
The Electrical Project aims to improve safety for electricians and other workers in the construction industry.
The project will begin with research into the different ways countries regulate safety training. The partners will then begin developing interactive, multimedia-rich, eLearning materials including case studies for training risk assessment and multiple-choice questions on workplace safety to be used by electricians, apprentices, training providers and anyone employed in the construction industry.
Project website:
Duration of project: September 2016 – August 2019
List of partners: Syddansk Erhvervsskole (Denmark), Bridgwater and Taunton College (UK), POLITEKNIKA IKASTEGIA TXORIERRI S. COOP (Spain), MALTA COLLEGE OF ARTS SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY (Malta), Intercollege (Cyprus), European Forum of Technical and Vocational Education and Training
Reducing the ‘drop-out' rate in Apprenticeships.
DropApp aims to reduce high dropout rates among apprentices by improving career guidance and counselling services.
Following on from research into the needs of young people deemed at risk of dropping out, partners will collaborate in the creation of a web-based career guidance service that is relevant, user-friendly and accessible.
Project website:
Duration of project: September 2016 – August 2018
List of partners: Ortahisar Mesleki Egitim Merkezi (Turkey), Bridgwater and Taunton College (UK), Kauno Socpstvdc (Lithuania), Ikaros (Italy), ROC Da Vinci College (Netherlands)
The aim of this project was to increase mobility in the automotive sector by standardising learning outcomes across Europe.
Project website:
Duration of project: November 2013—October 2015
This project aimed to meet a need within the VET community for better and more up to date training on electric urban mobility given that hybrid and electric engines are becoming increasingly important.
This project was designed to raise awareness of the potential benefits of Green Care – a movement which places contact with nature at the heart of any process. The partners aimed to help equip VET institutions with the knowledge and materials needed to teach Green Care.
Duration of project: 2014-2016
Erasmus+ is an exciting and unique experience offered at BTC, available to students and staff alike! If you would like any more information surrounding Erasmus+, and you don't know who to contact for advice, click here!
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