Below are a list of some commonly asked questions related to our accommodation. If you have a question that is not listed below please contact us at or by calling 01278 655149.
What do I need to bring?
You will need to bring your bedding with the exception of a mattress protector.
You are able to bring electrical appliances as identified in the residential contract. Any electrical appliances you bring will need to be PAT tested. The College provides the services as part of your deposit at a cost of £15. This is non-refundable.
All rooms have desk lamps and most ensuite rooms have mini fridges, so that you can store any fresh produce.
Lodge common rooms are equipped with a microwave, toaster and kettle. Over 18 accommodation have cooking facilities available for use. The College does not provide any cooking utensils, cutlery pots, pans or dinner service.
Do the rooms have TVs and internet access?
All bedrooms and common room areas have Wi-fi access free of charge. Each common room is provided with a TV; Should you wish to have a TV in your own room you will be required to obtain a TV license.
Can I share with friends?
All of our residential rooms are single occupancy and no room sharing is allowed.
The limited shared rooms that we do have on campus are allocated to our French students and non-residential farm-duties students.
What happens about leaving my belongings over holidays?
Students pay for the academic term so are required to clear their rooms at the end of each term and half term period, unless advised otherwise. For HE students, their accommodation costs include the half term/reading weeks and they can remain in residence over the half term holidays (this does not include Christmas and Easter holidays).
Where can I do my washing?
There are washing machine facilities on-site for students. Students can obtain a Washstation card from the Residential Team for a deposit of £2.50. Students are then responsible for topping up the card online with Washstation directly.
What happens if I am ill?
Students should inform a member of the REsidential Team if they are ill. This will mean that regular checks can be made throughout the day by the Residential Wellbeing Officers and tutors will be informed of your absence. Within the village of Cannington is a Medical Centre and it is advised that Residential students register with the surgery.
Can I bring my car with me?
You are able to leave your car in the designated College car parks; however you need to ensure that your car is registered with the Residential Team.
I am based at the Bridgwater campus during the day, how will I get to Cannington?
Cannington has good transport links with local buses running regularly to and from Bridgwater and the College’s Bath Road site. Students need to purchase a bus pass or pay daily. Many of our students are able to drive and we often find that students car share.
How secure are the lodges?
Security is a priority for us; each lodge has individual fob access so only residents of that lodge can enter . The fob access is linked to a computer so we have a record of students’ comings and goings. Each student has a key to their room. All the lodges are covered by CCTV. Emergency phones are placed in all lodges which directly links to the Residential Team duty mobile and 999 in case of emergency.
Can I bring pets?
Unfortunately we do not allow pets in accommodation.
Can I have guests to stay?
Over 18 students are allowed guests to stay over on a Friday and Saturday night. Guests must be over 18 and under 30. Under 18 students are not permitted to have any guests stay over. If family or friends intend to visit you, there are lots of bed and breakfast houses and hotels in the local area where they are able to stay.
Will my belongings be insured?
The College provides contents insurance, which is included in your residential fee. The insurance only covers items within your own room and not communal areas.
Is accommodation guaranteed?
Unfortunately we are unable to guarantee anyone a place in our accommodation. If we become oversubscribed, priority is give to students applying to study land-based or specialist courses and those who live outside a radius of 15 miles of the campus
Is single sex accommodation available?
All our accommodation is mixed gender but all rooms have individual locks, and all students under the age of 18 will live in en-suite rooms where privacy can be maintained.
Can I smoke in my room?
No, smoking in rooms is forbidden. Bridgwater & Taunton College implements a no smoking policy at all of its campuses, however if students wish to smoke, there are designated smoking areas throughout the College premises. Vaping is allowed in the college grounds but not in any of the accommodation or college buildings.
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