To ensure a positive and supportive environment, we ask parents/carers to follow these Professional Expectations:
Support and Engagement
- Encourage Attendance and Promote Learning: support your young person in maintaining regular attendance and engage fully with their studies, ensuring that they inform us if they are unable to attend.
- Support Wellbeing: promote the physical and mental wellbeing of your young person and encourage them to seek support at College when needed.
- Stay Informed: keep up-to-date with College news, events, and policies through the College website and communications.
- Engagement: attend parent/carer meetings, events, and workshops to stay engaged with your young person’s progress and College life.
- Respectful Interaction: engage with College staff, students, and other parents/carers respectfully at all times.
- Constructive Feedback: provide feedback to us in a constructive manner, focusing on solutions and improvements.
- Timely Communication and Updates: respond to communications from the College promptly and inform the College of any changes to your young person, eg next of kin contact details or medical conditions.
If you feel we have not upheld our promise to you, please tell us and we will always try our best to put things right.
If you do not meet our expectations, we could make the decision to no longer engage with you or allow you onto our premises.
Other Ways You Can Help
As a parent or carer, you can make a real difference to a young person’s chance of success at College. Please work in partnership with us to help young people achieve the best they can. Here are some of the ways you can help:
- We ask students to wear a lanyard – for their own safety so that we know anyone on campus has a right to be there. Check your young person has theirs before they leave for College.
- We promote full attendance and good punctuality – students who miss lessons or are regularly late are less likely to succeed. Encourage them to get up, get in, and stay the day.
- Young people sometimes don’t realise the importance of English and Maths – so important for future study or employment. Check they are attending these lessons especially.
- Encourage your young person to make the most of their time here – join an Academy, Club or Society, become a Student Rep or take up the Duke of Edinburgh Award, seek Careers Advice about next steps.
- Keep asking how your young person is getting on – do they know their attendance? Are you attending parent / carer events?