Safeguarding means everyone who comes into contact with children, young people and their families, including those who do not have a specific role in relation to safeguarding children, have a duty to safeguard and promote the welfare of children and young people.
If you are concerned about risk of harm to yourself, a young person or a vulnerable adult, please call the College on 01278 441247 and ask to speak with the Designated Safeguarding Lead or Officer, or you can email
View our Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy.
Bridgwater & Taunton College meets the requirements of the Prevent Duty and therefore seeks to safeguard students and staff from becoming radicalised or attracted to extreme or terrorist causes, and to keep them both safe and within the law.
The Prevent Duty is not about preventing students from having political and religious views and concerns but about supporting them to use those concerns or act on them in non-extremist ways. Staff and students are trained to look for the signs of possible radicalisation but also to ensure there is freedom of expression in the College.
Prevent is part of the UK’s counter terrorism strategy, CONTEST.
If there are concerns about radicalisation, students are encouraged to talk to their tutor or to Bethan Foweraker, Director of Student Experience and Designated Safeguarding Lead, ‘Single Point of Contact’ for Prevent,, 01278 441247. Members of the public should also contact Bethan if there are concerns about College students, prospective students or staff becoming radicalised.
In the unlikely event of a fire arms, weapon attack or terrorist attack, the College follows the Run, Hide, Tell procedure. Find out more.
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