We have previously advised that the College would be holding a system test and conversation about the actions to take in the unlikely event of a serious incident in College (RUN, HIDE, TELL).
We will be undertaking an entire College conversation around RUN, HIDE, TELL, on Wednesday 4 December at 11.15am.
At this time, as a College, we will STOP and PAUSE and DISCUSS: in the event of a RUN, HIDE, TELL incident, what would you/could you do?
Our students should all be familiar with this type of exercise, as they will have practised it at school under the slightly different heading of ‘Lockdown’. On Wednesday, these conversations will be facilitated by our staff, who will have a series of questions designed to promote open discussion.
As a parent/carer, you do not need to take any action during this exercise, but please be aware that the conversations we have in College may raise further conversations at home.
If students have any questions or concerns, please do encourage them to speak directly to their Tutor.
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