As the seasons change from Autumn to Winter and the dark nights draw in all thoughts turn to Christmas and the festivities that will be upon us. The annual Christmas parties are being planned and the pre-orders completed, will it be a traditional Christmas dinner or a modern twist, a fillet mignon or perhaps a ‘festive pizza’? Thoughts also turn to those who work tirelessly to ensure the parties are a success.

If you have ever had the fortunate or unfortunate experience (in the case of long suffering parents and spouses) of working in hospitality you will understand that physically it is a demanding vocation. From the early mornings, split shifts, late nights and long hours to the never ending cycle of preparing vegetables, meat, fish and desserts leading to blistered and scarred hands. Being able to recognise and use a plethora of kitchen equipment more complicated than a 20,000 piece jigsaw puzzle to preparing an off dish menu for that one special customer who doesn’t like the other eight courses on the menu.

However, the hospitality Industry is dynamic, ever changing, exciting and a very rewarding industry to be a part of. You will start as part of a team and build into a family, supporting and helping one and other through the best and worst of service’s ultimately knowing you have all given the customer the best possible experience and a meal to remember. There is no better feeling than dreaming up an idea, developing it and then seeing it come to life on a plate and hear a diner’s appreciation as they devour your labour of love.

I often hear people proclaim to me that they can’t cook. Cooking is a skill like any other, it can be learnt, nurtured and developed. It is a most forgiving discipline too, as if something doesn’t taste or look as you intended, there is always another opportunity to try again and strive for perfection on a plate.

There are many courses here at Bridgwater & Taunton College that offer training and development for those wishing to start out in their career to those wishing to move to the next culinary level, there are also opportunities for front of house training and development.

Bridgwater & Taunton College also work closely with local employers offering exciting opportunities to undertake modern Intermediate and Advanced Apprenticeships in the workplace allowing you to ‘live’ the Industry and fuel your passion.

If you would like to know more about studying a hospitality course at Bridgwater & Taunton College, please contact our Information and Guidance team on 01278 441234.

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